“喂,911 吗?”——放下电话后,他杀了 7 个人


上周六,美国德克萨斯州发生了一起枪击案,造成7 人死亡,22 人受伤。

▲在 CNN 报道之后,死亡和受伤人数均有上升 ( 截图 via CNN )


Authorities said Sunday they still could not explain why a man with an AR-style weapon opened fire during a routine traffic stop in West Texas to begin a terrifying rampage that killed seven people, injured 22 others and ended with officers gunning him down outside a movie theater.

一名手持军用级突击步枪的男子,在德州西部的一个常规交通站点开枪。这场可怕的暴行造成了 7 人死亡,22 人受伤。枪手最后在一家电影院外被击毙。(当地时间)周日,有关部门表示,他们仍然无法解释为什么枪手(会这样做)。

▲ Police: 7 killed, 22 injured in West Texas shooting rampage ( via AP )



其中最令众人不解的是:枪手在作案之前,曾拨打过报警电话 911。

( 图 via 网络 )


答案莫名其妙到有些荒唐 ……

Hours before carrying out the mass shooting that left seven dead and over 20 injured in Odessa, Texas, the gunman, Seth Aaron Ator, had made erratic calls to 911 and the FBI, Odessa Police Chief Michael Gerke told reporters on Monday.

周一,奥德萨警局局长迈克尔 · 格尔克告诉记者,在这起造成 7 人死亡、20 多人受伤的大规模枪击案发生的数小时前,枪手赛斯 · 亚伦 · 阿特曾给 911 和 FBI 打了一些通古怪的电话。

FBI special agent Christopher Combs described Ator ’ s call to the bureau as “rambling.” It’s been confirmed the calls were made after the shooter lost his job at Journey Oil Field Services on Saturday morning.

联邦调查局(FBI)特工克里斯托弗 · 库姆斯表示,阿特打给 FBI 的电话内容 ” 杂乱无章 “。阿特周六早上失去了在 Journey 油田服务公司的工作,目前已证实,电话就是在他丢了饭碗之后打的。

Ator ’ s employer also tried to call 911, Gerke said, but he had already left his workplace by the time police arrived.

格尔克说,阿特的雇主也试图打过 911,但当警察赶到时他已经走了。

▲ Texas shooter called 911, cops & FBI after getting sacked then went on rampage in Odessa – police ( via RT )


▲案发现场 ( 图 via Reuters / Callaghan O’Hare )



▲枪击案发生后,居民们在地上画画,为死伤者祈祷 ( 图 via Reuters / Callaghan O’Hare )

而在 Twitter 上,则有许多美国网友再次发问:难道还不严格控枪吗?

Some people say guns don ’ t kill people. That ’ s like saying tropical disturbances doesn ’ t cause hurricanes. Logic say guns can ’ t shoot by itself. However guns in the wrong hands can kill life.


If this doesn ’ t stop a broken person with a gun, no Republican mental health initiative or prayer will. GUN CONTROL NOW AND BAN ASSAULT RIFLES!

共和党的精神健康倡议也好,单纯祈祷上帝也罢 …… 如果这些都阻止不了一个有问题的人带枪,那么——现在就严控枪支!禁止使用突击步枪!

▲这已是美国今年发生的第 38 起大规模枪击事件 ( 图 via Reuters/ India Today )

