

也许我们从未想过会在医院被偷拍 ……

最近 80 多名女性将美国加州一家医院告上法庭。原因是这家医院在手术室里安装摄像头,将近 2000 名女性被偷拍。

Via CNN 加州医院在产房安装摄像头

Via CNN 涉事医院

From July 17, 2012, to June 30, 2013, roughly 1,800 women were recorded in the three operating rooms at the hospital’s women’s center, the complaint stated.

起诉书称,从 2012 年 7 月 17 日到 2013 年 6 月 30 日期间,大约有 1,800 名女性在这家医院的 3 个手术室里被偷拍。

Via Buzzfeed


Via RT toady


Captured in the images: partially robed women on operating tables, cesarean sections, and newly delivered babies. At times, according to the lawsuit filed last week, the women’s genital areas were visible, as were their faces.



The videos depicted the women’s faces as they entered the hospital rooms for their operations, some were recorded undressing, and some were unconscious during the course of their procedures. None of the women were told they were being recorded.

这些视频还记录了:女患者被推进手术室的画面,她们的长相,更换衣服的画面,以及她们的昏迷状态。 但是没有一个女性知道这些画面被拍摄下来。

The videos were typically filmed from behind the women’s heads during their procedures, Goddard said, sometimes depicting the women’s bellies, and the tops of their thighs.

原告代理律师 Goddard 说这些视频通常是在手术过程中从女性头部后面的视角拍摄的,患者的肚子和大腿的根部都被拍摄下来。

代理律师 Goddard 一共获取了 5 个这样的视频。

“I have seen, for example, a video of a C-section, and it shows the patient being rolled into the operating room. It shows the patient being prepped for surgery. You could see her hospital gown tucked up under her breasts. You could see her bare belly,” Goddard said.

” 在一个剖腹产手术的视频里患者被推入手术室,准备接受手术。她的病号服被卷到乳房的位置,你还可以看到她赤裸裸的肚子。”

She says the video goes on to show the birth of the baby and a nurse massaging the woman’s uterus to expel any bloodclots.

” 接着孩子被生出来了,一位护士在给她按摩子宫,排出血栓。”

该控诉称,除了侵犯其患者的隐私权之外,这家医院在存储方式上,也存在 “严重疏忽 “。谁看过这些视频,多久看一次,都没有记录在案。

The lawsuit states the recordings were stored on desktop computers, some without the need for a password.


“It’s horrifying to think that, especially in today’s day and age of the ubiquity of videos on the internet, if one of those videos were to get in the wrong hands, there’s no controlling it. It takes your own medical care outside your own control,” Goddard said.

” 想到这一点真是太可怕了,特别是在互联网上视频满天飞的时代,如果其中一个视频落入坏人手中,事态就会失去控制。你无法掌控自己的医疗记录,”Goddard 说。

Jessica Lincoln 就是这 81 位女性中的一个,她说在得知视频存在后,整个人都不好了

Via ABC News

“They didn’t have my permission to do that so it was definitely wrong. It was definitely an invasion of my privacy. There’s images floating around somewhere potentially viewed or could be viewed in the future by others without my permission that exposed me,” said Lincoln, who said she had her youngest child as well as a tubal ligation in January 2013.

林肯说:” 他们这么做没有得到我的许可,这绝对是错误的,是对我隐私的侵犯。任何人都可能看到这些画面,在将来人们也可能未经我的允许看到这些画面。” 她在 2013 年 1 月在该医院产下了最小的孩子并且做了输卵管结扎术。

Via ABC news


根据医院提供的一份报告,从 2012 年 5 月开始,该医院手术室的药物就频繁丢失。因此医院保安在手术室里安装了摄像头,每当有人进入房间时都会拍摄。




@Sue C. 一点不意外了,医疗产业唯利是图。患者是指这部赚钱机器的螺丝钉。没有理由考虑到他们。

@Susan C-P 想象一下如果你生孩子的视频,或者子宫切除的视频被传到网上供人阅览。他们还把他放在一台没有密码的电脑上,任何人都可以观看!